
PhD position in fish nutrition at NMBU

Deadline: Thursday, June 21, 2018
The Faculty of Biosciences (www.nmbu.no/en/faculty/biovit) contributes to the development of sustainable agriculture and food production systems through basic and applied research in plants, animals and fish (aquaculture). The Faculty is organised in two departments: Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences (IHA) and Department of Plant Sciences (IPV).
IHA is currently inviting applications for a 3-year PhD position in fish nutrition. The position is jointly funded by SureAqua, a Nordic Centre of Excellence, and the BIOFEED project.

Research project:

The PhD candidate will be mainly associated with work on documenting the effect of insects as a novel feed resource on growth performance and health of farmed fish, mainly salmonids.

Read more and apply here...

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