NCE Legasea Hosting
International experts will cover a range of topics during the two-day seminar, including critical requirements for new foods, health claims, food ingredients, supplements, and medicines. In addition, the importance of data protection, the need for preclinical and clinical studies required to obtain authorization, and associated costs and time will be discussed. Lecturers will highlight the opportunities, constraints and planning required to succeed in commercialization, as well as point out experiences from the pharmaceutical industry that can be used on foods.
The seminar will be in English.
Lecturer overview:
December 10
- Mari Lyrra, Medfiles, Finland (Regulatory Expert / Consultant) -will cover regulatory aspects of health claims, novel foods, ingredients, type of clinical trials, costs, timelines etc. (confirmed)
- Asim Duttaroy, University of Oslo (Professor) -will share his own experience with getting a product through EFSA approval (confirmed)
- Jim Lund, Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), (Researcher, Project Manager) - RISE will talk about support they could lend to companies (confirmed)
- Maie Gall, Varanah Ventures Switzerland -will address pharmaceutical regulations and what nutraceuticals could learn from pharma industry (confirmed)
- Anders Mikael Sjödin, Expert from EFSA panel - will talk about what successful health claim application looks like (confirmed)
December 11th
- Firoz Roshan, Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Sweden-will present regulatory requirements needed to be fulfilled to take a product from idea to market (confirmed)
- Jan Petter Akselsen, The Norwegian Medicines Agency Innovation Office, Norway, Regulatory Requirements and Services in Drug Development
- Åse S. Mjelva, Link Medical AS, Development of your pharmacutical - Do it right first time
Registration by December 1st
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