It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in The Second Nordic Algae Symposium 2019 (NAS19) on Wednesday, 27th February 2019 in the Thon Hotel Bristol in Oslo, Norway!
The purpose of this one day symposium, focusing on European & Nordic algal research and production sector, is to bring together industrial and academic researchers engaged to algal studies & technologies. The symposium will include presentations of the industrial experts, entrepreneurs and researchers from Nordic countries who are working with cyanobacteria, micro and macroalgae. In the evening the symposium will overlap with the 2nd Annual Meeting of the NordAqua as in NAS18. The day before the NAS19, you are invited to visit NIBIOs microalgae lab, and the recently established pilot photobioreactor room.
The University of Turku (UTU) is the coordinator of the NordAqua and the initiator of NAS. NIBIO - the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Ås, Norway is the main organiser of NAS19. The meeting is organised under the auspices of the NordAqua Nordic Center of Excellence and European Algae Biomass Association (EABA).
Please register for the NAS19 and lab excursion at the latest by 1 February 2019.
Find out more here...